Frequently Asked Questions
Which materials will you use?
We believe in only using the best materials. This allows us to confidently guarantee our work for the longest possible timespan. We believe in doing the job right, first time and in accordance with manufacturer specifications and guidelines.
During the current financial climate, we do realise that some of our customers may prefer to use slightly cheaper materials, to bring down the cost of a project. We will always advise our customers to the best of our ability and never compromise on the quality of materials to such an extent, that we cannot confidently guarantee our work.
Our pricing structure
When pricing a particular project, we usually take into consideration 5 factors:
- Labour rate
- Materials cost
- Rubbish disposal
- Cost of subcontractors (if needed)
- Cost of scaffolding (if needed)
You have provided me with an ‘estimate’, why haven’t you provided a quotation?
Due to the nature of our work, it is not always possible to expose all areas of a roof, in order to quote for all aspects of a job. During our many years of experience, we have come across all manner of defects hidden beneath roof coverings.
We will never estimate for the bare minimum in order to present an attractive cost to the customer and then add on costs which should have been included in the original estimate.
We will always include in our estimate any costs that we are able to anticipate.
When estimating for a job we will take into consideration:
- An estimation of the remaining useful lifespan of the roof and whether it is cost effective to repair the roof
- All visible aspects of the job.
- The cost of materials, scaffolding (if needed), rubbish disposal, and the cost of additional subcontractors (if needed).
We will always take pictures of the work in progress and correspond with our customers immediately about any additional works required, being completely transparent in regards to additional costs involved, including the labour rate and materials.
Do you add a markup on materials, scaffolding and sub contractor cost?
No. Our pricing on the above will always reflect the true cost of these items.
If a larger project requires us to tend to site several times to project manage third parties, this cost will be reflected in our labour rate.
You have insisted on the use of scaffolding. Another contractor has agreed to carry out work using only a ladder. Why is this?
We are obligated by law and by our insurance company to comply with health and safety regulations. This means that we will insist on using scaffolding if a project requires us to do so in order to carry out work safely. We have a duty of care to make sure that our tradesmen can carry out work safely. Further, it is often completely impractical and time consuming to work from ladders and bring materials up to roof level.
It is also the responsibility by law of a customer to make sure that any tradesman invited onto their property carries out work safely. If you have any concerns about a contractor agreeing to work from a ladder, we advise you to contact the Health and Safety Executive for guidance.
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